Figs, Radicchio, Fennel, Endive Salad

This vibrant salad comes to us from Great Performances, New York's premier hospitality company. They've shared our bowls to those who host events for a long time.  And, we're excited to share their recipe with you.

What a wonderful way to begin a Rosh Hashanah dinner. 

We love what they do and how they do it.
Let them take care of your holiday table!  
Or have a meal delivered to a loved one. Enjoy! 


SERVES 6 to 8

1 cup pistachio nuts, raw, shelled, unsalted
1 tbs olive oil
Pinch ground fennel
Pinch ground cumin
Pinch ground coriander
Pinch ground black pepper
½ tsp salt

2 tbs apple cider vinegar*
2 tbs sherry vinegar*
2 tsp soy sauce or tamari
1 tsp Dijon mustard
½ cup canola or safflower oil
To taste Black pepper, finely ground
* If possible, use a “late harvest” apple cider vinegar. It will be much sweeter than other cider vinegars. If using regular cider vinegar, use less and add a drop of honey.

1 small head Radicchio, cored, leaves cut in half, thick bitter white part removed
1 whole Endive, red or yellow, core end removed, leaves julienned lengthwise
1 small head Bibb or Boston Lettuce, cored and roughly cut
1/4 head or 3 oz Fennel, cored, very finely shaved, ideally on a mandolin
6 whole Fresh figs, skin on, tip of stem removed, quartered
¼ cup dry Port

To prepare spiced pistachios, preheat oven to 300º. In a small bowl combine spices, salt and olive oil. Toss in pistachios and coat evenly. Arrange pistachios in a single layer on a sheet tray. Bake approximately ten to fifteen minutes, or until golden brown. Set aside and let cool.
At least one hour before serving, place quartered figs in a small bowl and toss in the Port to coat evenly. Set aside.
To prepare the vinaigrette, in a small bowl, combine both vinegars, soy sauce, Dijon mustard and ground black pepper. Whisk in vegetable oil. Adjust seasoning to taste, as vinegars vary widely in their acidity. Set aside.
Arrange all salad ingredients, except figs, in a salad bowl. Toss in just enough vinaigrette to coat lightly.
Arrange marinated figs over the top. Sprinkle salad with toasted spiced pistachios.